How to find the right watch size

Aug 17, 2021by Philipp Mayrhofer
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Choose the right size

Of course, the size of a watch is not comparable to shoe size, as theoretically you could wear a larger watch on a narrow wrist. However, to find a suitable watch, you should first measure your wrist using the bracelet. Small watches have a diameter of 41 millimeters and are particularly suitable for a wrist with a circumference of around 16 centimeters. If the wrist has a circumference of around 19 centimeters, a medium model with a circumference of 46 millimeters is a good choice. There are also watch models that are marked with the additional word XXL. Such particularly large watches are particularly suitable for a wrist with a circumference of 22 centimeters or more.

However, the whole thing is not as simple as it seems here, because there can be other gradations that can differ significantly depending on the manufacturer. Some manufacturers also offer particularly small watches with a circumference of 34 to 37 millimeters. The terminology can also vary greatly. A watch of size XXL can therefore also be described as oversized.

A watch should not only be chosen according to personal feelings

The size of the watch is of course an important criterion for looking after your wrist properly. Only by choosing the right size will a watch fit perfectly. But it is not just about practical aspects. An XXL watch can be interesting in certain professions and make a good impression. This is the case, for example, if you work in a creative profession. A beautician or someone who works in the field of design can really stand out with a large and very colorful watch. In such professions, it is certainly welcome.

Things can be very different in jobs where a particularly serious appearance is required. An employee in a bank will therefore tend to go for a more discreet model that does not stand out due to its excessive size. Of course, the type of watch also plays a role. A silver watch in XXL format obviously looks completely different to a large watch that is pink or light blue. In general, in serious jobs where you have to pay particular attention to your appearance, you should go for smaller watch sizes.

Other important factors regarding the correct size of a watch

As already mentioned, the topic of watch size is actually very tricky. As already described, it starts with the different gradations. Not all manufacturers conform to this. But even watches that have the same circumference can look very different. This is mainly due to the relationship between the dial and the bezel. A particularly wide bezel can make a watch look smaller, whereas an extended dial can also make a watch look larger. This effect is particularly enhanced if the bezel has been very finely crafted. A wide bezel can also make a watch look a little clunky, but of course this is again in the eye of the beholder. Colors can also influence the perception of size of a watch. A black watch always tends to look a little more pompous.

Ultimately, you can base your calculations on the following dimensions:

  • A wrist circumference of 16 cm results in a watch diameter of 38 mm – 41 mm

  • A wrist circumference of 17 cm results in a watch diameter of 39 mm – 42 mm

  • A wrist circumference of 18 cm results in a watch diameter of 40 mm – 44 mm

  • A wrist circumference of 19 cm results in a watch diameter of 41 mm – 45 mm#

  • A wrist circumference of 20 cm results in a watch diameter of 42 mm – 46 mm

  • A wrist circumference of 21 cm results in a watch diameter of 43 mm – 50 mm

Determine the right watch size on your wrist

But how do you go about determining the correct watch size using your wrist? The best way to do this is to use a flexible ruler or, even better, a tape measure. You can now read off the exact value. This value in centimeters is then multiplied by a factor of 2.3. This gives you the correct watch size. For a wrist circumference of 20 centimeters, this would result in a watch diameter of 46 mm.

However, you also have to differentiate between round and square watches. If you decide on a square watch, it makes sense to subtract another 20 percent from the total result in order to arrive at an appropriate average.

Men and women sometimes have different needs

Gender can also play an important role in choosing the right watch size. Men often prefer a larger watch. This is no surprise, as for many men it is the only piece of jewellery they wear regularly and is therefore particularly important. If the watch you choose is ultimately a size too big, this does not necessarily have to be a problem.

Women often decide differently here. Here, watches are supposed to look small and delicate. This is not really surprising, because almost every woman wears rings, necklaces and sometimes other jewelry. The watch does not necessarily have to be the most important piece of jewelry.

The design can also influence the watch size

Color and shape, as well as the construction of a watch, can also have a strong impact on the appearance in relation to the size of a watch. A black, very wide dial often makes a watch appear particularly large. A white watch with a wide bezel and a narrow dial can often be perceived as much smaller, even though the two sizes are comparable.


The world of wristwatches is extremely colorful and diverse. To determine the right watch size, you should first measure your wrist and multiply the value by a factor of 2.3, especially when it comes to round watches. Ultimately, however, you have to like the watch in question. Men often opt for slightly larger models.

Über den Autor

Authors | Philipp Mayrhofer

Authors | Philipp Mayrhofer

Hello, my name is Philipp. My first contact with luxury watches actually came through YouTube and the many watch reviews that you can see there. This has enabled me to acquire extensive knowledge about watches.
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